How to Feel More Confident on Your Period1 November 2023 | Admin It’s OK to feel not quite yourself during your period. You might feel bloated, uncomfortable or even in pain, all of which can seriously knock your confidence. We understand! We’re a team of Mums with teenage daughters and we have been through this ourselves so we get it. Here we’ll share our best top tips on how to feel more confident on your period: - Choose Suitable Period Protection
- Wear Comfortable Clothes
- Relieve Pain
- Exercise
- Get Enough Sleep
- Spend Time with Loved Ones
- Track Your Cycle
- Stay Hydrated

We know that for some of you, when you’ve got your period, you literally find it difficult to leave the house for fear of leaks. That sucks. However changing to a different type of period protection could really help, meaning you feel much more confident to leave the house. Try different period products, such as period undies or reusable period pads which can hold up to 4 tampons worth of blood. They’re way more absorbent than pads or tampons and menstrual pants have absorbency to front and rear waistband as standard, meaning they'll prevent leaks. If you haven’t come across period undies before, read The beginners guide to period undies for more info. Wearing comfortable clothes, including period underwear, can help. By that we don’t mean you have to spend your entire period in your PJ’s. But wear things which are comfortable and supportive. Try period pants for leak-free comfort and not having to worry that your pad will slip or your mooncup will leak! If you’re feeling bloated and have a special occasion, our support period pants are amazing, with a control top to help you feel streamlined and confident. Read our blog on The complete guide to period bloating for more tips. “Amazing period pants, have not and will not ever go back to using tampons or pads. I have less pain and more comfort using period pants as well as the obvious positives for the environment! Never had a leak, more confident in sleeping the night than when I used pads, they wash and dry amazingly and I just wish I had had these years ago! I have recommended friends to use these for how brilliant they are!” Trustpilot Review It’s also tricky to feel your best self if you’ve got period cramps and pain. Don’t be a martyr, painkillers are your friend if you’re suffering! It’s also worth trying heat therapy with a hot water bottle or heated period pack. If your menstrual cycle is heavy, it’s worth reading ‘foods which can make your periods heavier’ over on our UK site. 4. ExerciseExercise and physical activity can offer natural pain relief, level mood swings and boost your energy levels. It's great for both your body and mind. The HARDEST bit of exercise during your period is getting started. But we guarantee that if you get some exercise in, you’ll feel good. Listen to your body though. If your body is saying no (rather than your head) even a 20 min walk at lunchtime in the sunshine will help boost your mood and put a spring in your step. .jpg)
This follows on nicely from point number 2. Many people struggle to sleep when they’re on their period due to worrying about waking up in a bloodbath. Pads slip and we know of customers with heavy flow who have literally had to crawl to the bathroom when they wake up to avoid bleeding everywhere. Get to bed at a reasonable time. Have a bath just before bed to encourage your body to wind down. Change into your period sleep shorts for a great night’s sleep. Read The ultimate guide to sleeping on your period for more top tips on getting a great nights sleep! “Changed my period for the better. I have been using cheeky period pants for a few months now and they have changed things for me. I can now sleep without worry and leaks and day time is alot less worry too. I now have 7 pairs and will add a few more pairs to the collection as in colder months they do take a bit longer to dry.” Trustpilot Review Sometimes you just need someone to hang out with who understands and will give you a hug or a cuddle if you need it. Do it. This is super important. Knowing when your period is due means you can cut yourself some slack in the run up if you’re feeling moody and irritable. Tracking your cycle also means you can be prepared by wearing your period pants when you’re due on, so you can go about your daily life as usual without worrying about leaks. Whilst this is always good advice, during your period, staying hydrated is extra important. If you're dehydrated, your blood flow will be thicker too, and your period of bleeding may last longer. We hope you found this article useful and interesting. If so, you may also be interested in: About the Author: Helen Rankin founded Cheeky Wipes, the original reusable wipes kit back in 2008 after disposable wipes caused her eczema to flare up. 4 kids later, internal period protection such as tampons or menstrual cups were no longer an option for her and she went on to develop their range of 'Simple Reusables' to include period pants, reusable panty liners and reusable sanitary pads. |