Do Period Undies Smell?13 September 2022 | Admin No, period undies don't smell. As long as washing guidelines are followed, they shouldn't retain any odour. As with all blood, there may be a metallic smell you notice when you go to the loo but no different to a disposable pad or other period protection. 
There definitely won't be anything out of the ordinary and nothing that anyone else could smell for you to feel self conscious about. However if you're smelling something stronger which is unpleasant this won't be your vulva or undies but bacteria. This means an adjustment to your undies wash routine will be needed. I had to use disposable period protection for an hour this month and used a tampon for my period flow for the first time in a few years. I then had to touch the sanitary disposal bin in the toilets, which were the SWIMMING POOL toilets of all places. - Wet tiles - check!
- Clammy, skintight costume to wriggle down - check!
- Overflowing bin - check!
- An awful smell of other peoples used period products festering in the warm, damp environment!!! C H E C K ! ! !

That smell isn't period blood smell, it's bacteria and therefore to be avoided. This is easy with reusable period pants. There are a few reasons why your period pants might smell, all are easily corrected by following our care guidance. Your period undies may smell: - When wearing. All bodily fluids on period products, if left sitting for too long, will start to smell so if you have an odour you are past time to change, they will have been worn for too long or not changed frequently enough for your flow. This may lead to a fishy smell.
- Before washing. This may be because the period pants have not been rinsed enough, have been left soaking too long, or have been allowed to dry without rinsing. This may lead to a musty smell.
- After washing. Your menstrual pants may not been dried quickly enough, not agitated sufficiently in the wash, not rinsed enough, or fabric softener is trapping blood inside. This will be a damp smell.
- After storing. If period pants are put away damp, not rinsed or washed for long enough leaving blood inside. This may lead to a mouldy smell.

To stop period undies smelling, following these steps will keep you feeling and smelling fresh and protect the fabric in your period panties: You should change your period undies in line with your flow, and opt for pants that match your flow rate. There are pants available that range from a light flow thong to a heavy flow high waisted period brief which will hold several tampons worth of blood. If you have light flow it is a good idea to start the day in a fresh pair of pants, then change in the evening and again for bed. The pants may be absorbent enough to be worn for 12hrs but to avoid smells change often. Wipe your vulva clean when you change your pants, this can be done with a wet cheeky wipe. Rinsing your period undies in cold water til the water runs clear means that most of the menstrual blood is not left sitting on the pants. This will stop smells and will also make the fabrics in your pants last longer and help to avoid any staining or the ph of your vagina bleaching your gusset. By wet pailing in a storage container with water and tea tree oil, salt, stain remover, or your normal detergent. Alternatively after rinsing you can hang them to dry before washing or dry pail in a wet bag / storage container with no water. If you need to change out and about just pop your used pants into a wet bag to deal with at home. Period undies get cleaned best in the washing machine, no need to hand wash. Add the correct dose of detergent - we recommend bio powder and a cool wash of less than 30c. That's because hot water can set the proteins in the blood as a stain, so stick to cool washing to avoid stains. Also avoid fabric softener as this can build up a coating on the pants, reducing absorbtion and trapping moisture inside causing smells. Definitely no bleach as this can cause fabric to break down. Oxy stain removers are fine to use. Period underwear is best hung to dry because they contain several absorbent layers. This can be outside on the washing line in the summer, or inside on a pegged hanger or clothes airier. Lying them flat on a surface takes longer to dry so can lead to mustiness. Avoid heated airers, radiators and tumble dryers as it can damage the delicate waterproof layer. Make sure the period pants are fully dry before storing, ideally in an airy basket or drawer and not locked away without air flow. 
No, period undies don't feel dirty or wet. If you are used to internal protection such as tampons or a menstrual cup, there will be more blood on your vulva but it wipes away easily (we have the perfect wipes for that too!). There is no more blood than when using disposable pads and you won't feel the moisture of your period blood as it will soak straight into the absorbent inner layers of the knickers and be held there by the leak proof layer. Period undies cope really well with blood clots, the moisture is wicked away and any residue can be wiped with tissue when you next go to the toilet - just as you would with a disposable pad or tampon. If you notice blood being slow to absorb when you go to the toilet it is time to change your knickers! No, other people can't smell your period. Menstrual periods should only smell if you have irritation or an infection or haven't cleaned your vulva area well. Period underwear doesn't cause infections. In fact they cause LESS irritation than wearing plastic, sweaty disposable pads so therefore lead to less discomfort. Plus they are breathable, so you're less likely to get chafing or rashes which could lead to infections and smells. When you first receive your reusable period pants, try them on over your own underwear to make sure they fit, and then give them a prewash. It's not only hygienically a good idea to wash away any manufacturing residue but it also primes the material to increase in absorbency. We have black gussets in all of our period underwear for a few reasons. It involves the least dye so is best for sensitive skin leading to less irritation - all of our dyes are oeko tex certified for their safety. If you are getting smells in disposable or reusable pads it's probably a good idea to talk to your doctor. Some illnesses (such as bacterial vaginosis) can cause your vulva to smell fishy and may be accompanied by burning or itching. We hope you've enjoyed our Cheeky guide on whether period pants smell and that if you haven't tried a pair yet, you feel more confident to. We are so sure that you will love our period pants and pads that we have created a 90 day trial scheme for them, so if they don't work for you, we'll refund you in full. If you enjoyed this, we think you would like these blogs on - As always, if you're unsure of what you need to make the switch, please do drop the team a line or use the online chat function. The team all use the products themselves and just LOVE to chat pee poo and periods, all day long, nothing is TMI and we all love to overshare based on our own experiences... About the Author: Kirstin Scriven is part of the Customer Experience team at Cheeky Wipes, which since 2008 has been selling the original reusable wipes kit. She is mum to 3 and loves the forest, the sea and the hills! Along with the rest of our crack team, she spends most days talking about poo, pee and periods and loves a chance to overshare. The business was recognised with a Queens Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development in 2021, celebrating their hard work over the last 13 years. |