Cheeky Wipes FAQs

How Cheeky Wipes work

Find out about how to use our natural, eco-friendly baby wipes and kits

Cloth Wipes - What About Poo?

What about poo?

Worried about the dodgy brown stuff? Our wipes are safer than disposable ones!

Cloth Wipes Advice Questionnaire

Cloth Wipes Advice Questionnaire

Fill in our questionnaire to get tailored advice for your needs from our team

Why should I switch to cloth baby wipes?

Why should I switch?

Find out why cloth wipes are better for you, your baby and the planet

Caring for your cloth wipes

Caring for your cloth wipes

Find out how to wash and care for cloth baby wipes

What do I need to use cloth wipes?

What do I need to use cloth wipes?

Check out our easy guide to getting started with Cheeky wipes…

How reusable period protection works

How reusable period protection works

Find out how reusable period pants and pads work.

What about blood?

What about blood?

If you've got questions about period blood, we've got the answers!

Resuable Period Protection Questionnaire

Resuable Period Protection Questionnaire

Fill in our questionnaire to get tailored advice from the Cheeky Team.

Why should I switch to reusable period protection

Why should I switch?

Find out why reusable period protection is better for both you and the planet!

Caring for your reusable period protection

How to do I wash my Cheeky pants and pads?

Washing your reusable period protection is super simple, find out how…

What do I need to use reusable period protection

What do I need to get started?

Not sure what you'll need to make the move to reusable period protection? Find out here…

Cheeky Wipes FAQs

Why Switch to Reusable Makeup Removing Pads

Find out more about our simplest swap!

Cloth Wipes - What About Poo?

What do I need to switch to reusable makeup pads?

Not sure where to start? We've got you covered…

Why switch to cheeky nappies

Why should I switch?

Find out why reusable nappies are better for both your baby and the planet!

nappy and wrap care and washing guide

Nappy & Wrap washing & care guide

Find out about how to wash and care for our cloth nappies and wraps…

What do I need to start using cloth nappies?

What do I need to start using cloth nappies?

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure what you'll need? Find out here…

2-Part Nappy Fitting Guide

2-Part Nappy Fitting Guide

Tips and tricks on fitting your Cheeky Doodoo nappy to prevent leaks and ensure a good fit…

Pull-up Nappy Fitting Guide

Pull-up Nappy Fitting Guide

Tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Cheeky Pull-up nappy…

cloth nappies cost vs disposable nappies

Switch and save! Reusable vs disposable

Find how much you could save by switching to reusable cloth nappies!

2-Part Nappy Fitting Guide

Cloth vs disposable nappies? Which is better for the environment?

We discuss the eco-impact of both cloth and disposable nappies…

How reusable period protection works

How reusable incontinence protection works

Find out how our reusable incontinence pads and pads work

What about blood?

What about pee?

Find out how easy it is to use reusable pee products

Resuable Period Protection Questionnaire

Resuable Incontinence Protection Questionnaire

Fill in our questionnaire to get tailored advice for you

Why should I switch to reusable incontinence products

Why should I switch?

Find out why washable incontinence protection is better

Caring for your reusable incontinence products

How do I wash them?

Find out how to wash and care for your reusable incontinence products.


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